The Patriarch meets with some church and youth authorities in the Diocese of…
2023-11-02The Patriarch meets with some church and youth authorities in the Diocese of Damascus Damascus, November 2, 2023 Following-up…
The Patriarch Deliberates with Some Authorities in Damascus
2023-11-01The Patriarch Deliberates with Some Authorities in Damascus Damascus, November 1, 2023 His Beatitude Patriarch John X met with…
Statement of the Holy Synod of Antioch 2023
2023-10-21Statement of the Holy Synod of Antioch Balamand, October 21, 2023 The Holy Antiochian Synod, presided by His Beatitude Patriarch JOHN X…
Glorifcation of Holy Hieromartyrs Nicolas and Habib Khasha 2023
2023-10-21Glorifcation of Holy Hieromartyrs Nicolas and Habib Khasha Balamand, October 21, 2023 His Beatitude Patriarch John, together with the…
HB Patriarch John X meeting with the bishops and priests of Damascus and its…
2023-09-30HB Patriarch John X meeting with the bishops and priests of Damascus and its countryside Damascus, September 30, 2023 HB…
Patriarch John Meets the Youth in the Church of the Patriarchal Monastery St.…
2023-09-24Patriarch John Meets the Youth in the Church of the Patriarchal Monastery St. George Al-Humayra - Wadi Al-Nasara. Raising a voice:…
Patriarch John X in a letter to Onophrius Metropolitan of Kyiv and All Ukraine
2023-08-16Patriarch John X in a letter to Onophrius Metropolitan of Kyiv and All Ukraine "On the occasion of the ninth anniversary of your…
Patriarch John X Receives an Ecclesiastical Delegation from the Church of…
2023-08-16Patriarch John X Receives an Ecclesiastical Delegation from the Church of Greece. Damascus, August 16, 2023 His Beatitude John X,…