The University of Balamand Celebrates the…
The University of Balamand Celebrates the Graduation of its 1,447 Students
Balamand: July 24, 2021
Under the patronage and the presence of His Beatitude Patriarch John X, Patriarch of Antioch and All the East and the University President, Dr. Elias L. Warrak, the University of Balamand held a graduation ceremony for its students, for the academic year of 2020-2021, on the main campus of the university in Koura, in the presence of many dignitaries, students’ families, friends and relatives. The number of graduates reached 1,447 from various specializations and faculties.
In the beginning, His Beatitude gave blessings and thanked the Lord, Who gave the strength to hold this year’s commencement ceremony for the graduating students, with their physical attendance to the university’s ceremony. He addressed the Lord of Heaven and Earth, saying:
“O Lord, the light of the Heavens and the Earth, the Lord of life and death, the Granter of wisdom and Giver of understanding and consideration to all people, we look up to you from this Balamand Hill on this blessed evening, asking your acceptance of our supplications.”
“Sanctify our souls; Purify our bodies; Straighten our thoughts; Purify our intentions; Save us from all evil, sorrow and pain. O Lord, keep away from us this deadly epidemic, surrounding your whole world. Have mercy, with your mercy on whom have passed on to the afterlife. Heal the sick. Support, strengthen and give health to the doctors and the groups delivering service that watch over the health of others.”
“On this blessed evening, we are asking you, especially for the sake of our graduating students who will receive their diplomas after fulfilling their studies at our university, in Balamand. We ask you to ease their steps, and to accompany them wherever they go and wherever they are. Let them remain faithful to the mission on which they were brought up, witnesses of truth, peace, honesty, loyalty, sincerity, as well building the human being, society and nation.”
“O Lord, we ask you to bless this Balamand Hill with all its institutions. Strengthen this university with all its branches, faculties and specializations. Bless its Board of Trustees, President, Deans, Professors, Staff and all those working with students. Grant us that the banner of our university in Balamand be bright and high, as it is today among the best universities.”
“We also address the Blessed Virgin Mary, whom we all honor, as Christians and Muslims. She is the Intercessor of this Balamand Hill, and we ask her to protect this university, all of us and protect Lebanon, granting this country security, peace, ever-lasting love and stability, by the Grace and Care of the Lord of Great Mercies, Amen.”
In conclusion, His Beatitude addressed everyone, especially the graduating students, saying: "Congratulations. Many happy returns to you, many more blessed years to our great university and to our dear Lebanon.”