Ordinations for the two elected bishops Gregory…
Ordinations for the two elected bishops Gregory Al-Khoury Abdallah and Qais Sadeq
His Beatitude John X, Patriarch of Antioch and All the East, will be holding the Divine Liturgy on Sunday 16 November, 2014 in the Mariamite Cathedral in Damascus, where Archimandrite Gregory Al-Khoury Abdallah will be ordained as a bishop by putting the hand of the Patriarch and the other bishops. Also, His Beatitude will be holding the Divine Liturgy on Sunday 23 November, 2014 in the monastery of the Lady of Balamand in Al-Koura, Lebanon, where the Archimandrite Qais Sadeq will be ordained as a bishop by putting the hand of the Patriarch and the other bishops, as well.