His Beatitude John X the Orthodox Patriarch of…
His Beatitude John X the Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch and the entire East emphasizes the national role of the Orthodox Antiochian church.
Balamand Nov. 20- 2016
His Beatitude John X the Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch emphasized the national role of the Orthodox Antiochian church and her richness with talents, various capabilities and potentials.
The words of His Beatitude the patriarch John X were given in the sermon which he gave during the Divine Liturgy he presided at Balamand accompanied by the Rev. priests and deacons with the faithful (from different parishes).
After explaining the meanings of the gospel read today, His Beatitude emphasized the fact that Man is entrusted to the whole creation with everything in it which has to be used for the good of Man and his neighbor without egoism or selfishness.
Then His Beatitude discussed the general situation in the region and said:
“We congratulate our children on ‘the independence day’ in Lebanon which we are going to celebrate after tomorrow. We are really glad to celebrate this anniversary this year with His Excellency the Lebanese elected president general Michel Aoun, whose election returned life to the constitutional institutions in Lebanon, and allowed great promises to the Lebanese people through which they are going to have better future where the Lebanese will live without economical, social, developmental, and environmental hard pressure under which all the people have undergone for years, so that they can feel adopted and loved by their homeland (Lebanon), and stop dreaming of immigration as the new president had expressed in the presidential statement.
We thank Mr. Tammam Salam the prime minister for his wise guidance and leadership during the hard circumstances that Lebanon had been through.
We also bless Mr. Saad Alhariri the Prime Minister-designate hoping that he will soon come to the formation of the government in which we witness the active national partnership that will help the words of the presidential statement come true and the orthodox sect will be represented by active and qualified ministers who can express the orthodox conscience.
In this regard the spiritual and political backgrounds must have a basic role in choosing these ministers, especially since the orthodox community has proven for a long time to be rich with different capabilities and potentials, and her children proved too to be loyal and sincere to Lebanon and to the Lebanese people with their causes and issues.
We are going to watch this procession and take good care of it. We will also remain basic partners in the construction of the citizen- state, and will secure the healthy political milieu for the sake of better contribution to the service of the country and all its children”.

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