His beatitude John X at Maarona
In the evening His beatitude John X the patriarch of Antioch and the entire east went to the town of Maarona to visit St. Elias parish. There he was received by the faithful with their priest rev. father Yousef Geha holding the Holy Gospel.
After a welcoming word by the priest, his beatitude expressed his joy for being among the faithful of the town emphasizing the fact that the church with all her children is one family. His beatitude prayed asking for mercy from above for the souls of the martyrs; he also asked for the Divine visitations for those in anguish and stress. His beatitude mentioned in particular the wounded Aleppo who is paying like the rest of the Syrian cities for the atrocities of these days. He ended, praying for peace.
After the prayer his beatitude met with the parishioners at the hall of the church.