With the blessing of His Grace bishop Gregorios Khoury (of UAE), and the pastoral caring of rev. Stephanos Naimee, a session for the preparation of the Sunday school guides was held under the theme: “to fulfill all righteousness”, in St. Nicolas church in Abu Dhabi, with the participation of a group of the parishioners of St. Nicolas parish in Abu Dhabi, and the parish of the church of the Annunciation in Dubai. The session lasted for 3 days from September 30 to October 2, 2016.
His Grace bishop Gregorios emphasized, in his speech, the importance of catechism and spiritual edification of the young parishioners in the church, and that the Holy Bible is the basic reference in this mission.
Dr. Imad Rbeiz was among the most eminent in the session, and his lectures focused on age characteristics and on perceptive development in children, besides the psycho- social and moralistic aspects, and the importance of knowledge, by the guide, of the capabilities of the child, and communication with him by means of a language that suits the age characteristics which the child belongs to. The lectures were followed by applicable activities that were given right after the lectures.
Rev. deacon Alexandros Deeb delivered a lecture in which he dealt with spiritual ministry, that he illustrated in a magnificent way by means of the importance of virtues not only skills, that are applied in church ministry. He concluded that whenever virtues increase in church ministry, it becomes more pleasing and attractive to the ministered.
Then brother Nour Baz delivered a lecture to emphasize the Christian content on the internet and how the social media should be used.
During the session there were activities related to entertainment, education and catechism that added love and joy to the atmosphere among the participants.
It’s noteworthy here that the number of participants in the session reached up to 100, 80% of whom are from the Sunday school guides and 20% without previous experience but they only met upon being gathered by the love of Our Lord Jesus Christ and by their dedication to edifying Jesus’ children and informing them according to church spirit. And as Jesus said to John the Baptist: “Permit it to be so now, for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness”. (Mathew 3:13).
The session ended while the participants have hope to fulfill their righteousness with God.