Antiochian echoes from Damascus
With the blessing of his beatitude John X the orthodox patriarch of Antioch and the entire east, for the third time, and in collaboration with the Orphios’, Orchestra conducted by Andre Maalouli, the choir “the spiritual kinnara “presented and performed a musical evening sung on the Opera Theater at the Assad institution for Culture and Arts, in Damascus, under the title” Antiochian echoes from Damascus”. The evening was marked by the presence of popular multitudes.
The official attendance was characterized by the participation of the following ministers:
- Mr. Besher Yazzigi (of tourism).
- Mrs. Rima Alkaderi (of social affairs).
- Mrs. Nazira Sarkis (state minister for environmental affairs).
Besides, his excellence the papal ambassador Mario Zenari and some bishops of Damascus. The secretary of the Baath Socialist Party in Damascus also attended the musical evening with a number of deputies from the Syrian parliament, and some assistants of other ministers and officers, besides the representatives of social groups and activities, with a number of priests, monks and nuns.
In the end of this evening event there was a short speech given by his eminence bishop Ephraim Maalouli in which his eminence conveyed to everyone the blessing of his beatitude John X assuring that we keep emitting light despite the darkness of the present times.