Antiochian Vicariates and Representatives of His…

Patriarchal Vicariates:

The Vicariate of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

His Grace, the Right Reverend Bishop Theodore (El Ghandour)

Bishop of Apamea

Tel: 0055 21 25093894

Fax: 0055 21 25089999

Adress: Bishop Theodore Ghandour.

Av. Gomes Freire, 559 - 2 Andar - Centro - RJ

CEP 20000000 - Brazil



The Vicariate of Sweden and Scandinavian Countries

Patriarchal representative: Rev. Archimandrite Antonios Elbitar
Tel: 00 46 76-56 61 071

Postal address
S:ta Marias Antiokiska Ortodoxa kyrkan
Nyköpingsvägen 20
15132 Södertälje
Stokholm - Sweden

For more information:



The Vicariate of the Emirate of Qatar

Patriarchal representative: His Eminence, the Most Reverend Metropolitan Ghattas (Hazim), Metropolitan of Baghdad and Kuwait

Phone: 00965 2 561 7367 (in Kuwait)
Fax: 00965 2 563 1538 (in Kuwait)
Address: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Baghdad, Kuwait, the Arabian Peninsula, and dependencies
P.O.Box: 8173  Al-Salemea 22052 Kuwait


The Vicariate of the Kinkdom of Bahrain

Patriarchal representative: His Eminence, the Most Reverend Metropolitan Ghattas (Hazim), Metropolitan of Baghdad and Kuwait

Address: St. George Greek Orthodox Church in Bahrain
P.O. Box: 10465
Abu Sayba, Block 471, 73 St., Gate 35, No. 57,
Kingdom of Bahrain

Parish Priest: Fr. Saba Haidossian
Te: 00 973 17811464
Mobile: 00 973 39981464
Fax: 00 973 17811465


The Vicariate of the United Arab Emirates

Patriarchal representative: His Grace, the Right Reverend Bishop Gregorios (Khoury Abdullah), Bishop of Emirates

In Dubai and Sharjah:
Address: Greek Orthodox Church of the Annunciation 
Jabal Ali 1, Dubai, UAE

In Abu Dhabi:
Phone: 00971 2 4464578
Address: Greek Orthodox Church of St. Nicolas
P.O.Box: 262, Abu Dhabi, UAE


The Antiochian Metochion in Moscow, Russia

His Eminence, the Most Reverend Niphon (Saykali), Metropolitan of Chehba
Its Center: Moscow
Tel: +7 49 5625 0417
Fax: +7 49 5624677

Postal Address:
Son Eminence Metropolite Niphon Saïkali
Metoche d’Antioche à Moscou
15 A. Archangelsky Pereoulok
Moscou 101000


The Antiochian Metochian in Limassol, Cyprus

Priest: Very Reverend Father Michel Saba

Address: Fr. Michel Saba
St. Ignatius Theophoros Church
PO Box 59664
4011 Limassol, Cyprus
Tel: 00 357 99494351 - 00 357 25724351