Patriarch John X meets Pope Francis
2021-06-30Patriarch John X meets Pope Francis Vatican, June 30, 2021 HB John X, the Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch and All the East…
The Antioch delegation participating at the Mass of Saint Peter and Paul in…
2021-06-29The Antioch delegation participating at the Mass of Saint Peter and Paul in Saint Peter's BasilicaRome, June 29, 2021
Patriarch John X in the Vatican
2021-06-28Patriarch John X in the Vatican June 28, 2021 His Beatitude John X, the Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch and All the East…
Patriarch John X Meets the Orthodox Metropolitans of Lebanon "to form the…
2021-06-25Patriarch John X Meets the Orthodox Metropolitans of Lebanon "to form the government in the soonest possible time." Saint Elie…
Patriarch John X Receives French Ambassador Anne Grillo.
2021-06-10Patriarch John X Receives French Ambassador Anne Grillo.Balamand June 10, 2021 At the Patriarchal Residence in Balamand, Patriarch John X received…
His Beatitude Patriarch John X Receives His Eminence Metropolitan Leonid,…
2021-06-09His Beatitude Patriarch John X has received His Eminence, Metropolitan Leonid, Archbishop of Vladikavkaz and Alania from the Russian Church,…
Palm Sunday Liturgy in the Mariamite Cathedral in Damascus, presided by…
2021-04-25Palm Sunday Liturgy in the Mariamite Cathedral in Damascus, presided by Patriarch John X. April 25, 2021. After celebrating Lazarus'…
His Beatitude Patriarch John X Visits Metropolitan Saba (Esper)
2021-04-24His Beatitude Patriarch John X Visits Metropolitan Saba (Esper) April 24, 2021 His Beatitude Patriarch John X paid a visit to inquire…